Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A New Do, Well, Sorta....

Today I had my hair appointment with my stylist Rhonda. It's always nice to spend a few hours sitting in a chair, being pampered, and talking. Rhonda and I go way back to High School Youth Group. She's so talented at what she does. She is expecting so a lot of the conversation was about her upcoming birth and everything else that Mommies talk about together. Today I was really ready to have my hair cut. It's so funny because I used to have such long hair and now when it grows to my shoulders it bothers me. It feels like its in the way and I just can't stand it. Even though the hubby is wanting it to be long again, I couldn't wait to cut it short! And short it went. It's still the bias cut I usually do but we 'stacked' it in the back. She actually had to use a razor on my neck, which has never happened to me before in my life!! (I know, I get excited over simple things!) I love the new do, and so far I've only heard good compliments. Okay, two compliments and one was over a text message, but still....
The kiddos went to Water Play Day at the church today. They seemed to have had a blast. I was still in training so all of the information was relayed to me through the babysitter. Abby was sure to tell me she had Purple, which I found out was a purple snow cone. Jacob's snow cone color choice was Red, and very delicious. From what I can get from their stories it appears they enjoyed themselves and are ready to do it again. Which is good because they are already registered for the August Water Play Day! Yeah!

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